How To Claim Your Place
in Non-fiction/Short Stories
posted on Monday, Sep 6, 2021 at 2:47am
edited on Monday, Sep 6, 2021 at 3:10am
If you own or manage a business, club or other organization at or near Wappapello Lake, you automatically qualify for a free place page here at If your business is already listed in
Places, there should be a "claim it" link on the business page. If not, then someone else may have already claimed it so you need to contact us instead.
If your business is not already listed in
Places, click your username near the top right corner of this page, then click on "My Places" near the bottom of the left panel. You'll then see two boxes, one for your followed places and one for places you manage. Find the "+" link near the top of the second box. This will allow you to create a new place listing. Please don't create a new place until you've checked and verified that your business isn't already listed, because we don't need two listings for any one place.
Once you've been made the manager of your place, when you visit the place page you should see a link to let you edit it. This should let you update any information that may change from time to time, as well as any other changes you may want to make, as often as you like at no cost. The editor lets you format the text however you like with bold, italic, underline, superscript and subscript plus nearly unlimited color choices and several fonts as well. Make it your own, it represents your business here at
You can also upload a small graphic or photo for your business logo, Some picture files won't upload for some reason, so if you have problems let me know and I'll manually upload your pics for you. We'll fix this problem when we can and apologize for any inconvenience it causes. If I have to manually make changes or upload files, etc there is still no charge. If something doesn't work correctly, please don't let that discourage you from using the website. If you let me know I'll do my best to get it working as soon as I can.
One of the best features of this website is the community
calendar. If your business hosts or sponsors events like concerts, fishing tournaments, educational workshops, or you're just having a really good sale, you can add an event to the calendar. Your event will show up on the calendar until it expires (when it is over) and anyone who visits can see it. Members can subscribe to it for update notifications and reminders as well as like, share and comment on any event. As usual, events are free and you can create as many as you like. If the calendar ever becomes overcrowded to the point of not being usable, we'll have to set limits and rules on event types but for now we're all learning so have fun.
In addition to events, members can comment on any place, story or public member home page. Each member can set the privacy level of their own home page, and members can also friend one another. This website isn't intended to replace other social networking sites like Facebook, it's simply meant to give the most features and be as easy to use as possible. Hopefully soon we'll gave a way to export your calendar to a popular format that your phone can use, so you won't be bound to this website to see your subscribed events. As we get members and businesses involved in the site we'll find and fix all of the bugs we can and add features based on what members want to use the website for.
Also for those who don't want to create an account, there are Facebook plugins available to let people use those credentials to log into other sites (like this one) and post comments as a Facebook user. If this is something you're interested in, I'll consider it. But you have to let me know. One thing to know though is that if you create an account here your password is encrypted before I ever get it, and I store it in the database in its encrypted format. There is no possible way for anyone including myself to decrypt it. That's why if you forget it, you have to create a new one. I can't tell you what it was because I have no way of knowing. The only other information we keep about you (besides your activity on the website like posts) is your email address and date of birth, both of which you can choose to share or keep private. By default, your real name, email address and age are all private but if you choose to make the info public you can do so in your privacy settings. I recommend that your email address stays private, but mine isn't so it's just an individual thing.
Oh, and if you want a email address, you should consider becoming a moderator and helping us out in your spare time. We can't pay you but there are perks.
Current rating: 5 (1 vote)