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How To Use Places

in Non-fiction/Short Stories
by rpstitz
posted on Saturday, Sep 28, 2019 at 12:38pm
edited on Saturday, Sep 28, 2019 at 1:32pm

If you are a business owner or manager in the Wappapello area and want to manage your free place listing, follow these instructions for the best experience.

First you need to register your free account. Choose a username that uses your name, a nickname or your business so people will recognize you by it.  As part of the registration process, you'll have to check your email and click a link we will send you. This simply proves that you have access to that email address. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long, contain letters and numbers and have at least one capital letter.

Once you've verified your account, log in. If successful, you should see your username next to the words "Log Out" near the top right corner of the web page. Now click on the menu link "Places". With the filter set to "All", scroll down the page and see if your business is listed.

If the place that you manage is already listed, click it to be taken to its landing page. From there, you should see a small "claim it" link under the name of the business. Click it. You should then see a page asking you to confirm that you do indeed have the authorization to manage the listing. Check the box and enter instructions on how best to contact the business for verification, then click the Claim Place button. Now click "profile" or your username at the top right corner of the page. Skip the next paragraph.

If the place that you manage is not listed, click your username at the top right corner of the page. Now you should see your profile. Click "My Places". You should see two boxes, places you like and manage. Click the little "+" next to "Places I Manage".  You should now see a form to create a new place. Fill it out and click the Claim Place button. Now click your username at the top right corner of the page.

At this point, your place should be claimed and you should be the manager. Let's see if it worked.

Click on "My Places".
In the "Places I Manage" box, your place should be listed. Now click your place.

Now look for "As a manager, you can edit this page." and click the word edit.

You should now see your page editor. It isn't very polished and has a few quirks, so let's go over it.

The main thing to keep in mind is that editing your logo or adding feature icons will take you away from this page for a moment, resulting in losing any unsaved changes. To avoid that, make sure that you edit the name, info and description information first, then click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page before you "Edit Logo" or "Edit Features". This will save your info so you'll be ready to upload a logo.

Now click "Edit Logo" below the image. Now under "Choose photo", click "Browse" and select your business logo file from your computer, and click upload. Once the image is uploaded, you should be returned to the place edit page.

Now scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Edit Features". From here, you can choose features from a list and add them as needed. To remove a feature, just click the "-" next to it. When finished, click the "Back" link to return to the edit page.

Unless you change any text fields on the edit page, there is no need to click "Submit" again. Now click "Places" from the top navigation menu and look for your place.

In the near future, we will be adding meta information to places, so your page will have hidden keywords and a description that search engines can use to display your page on Google search, among others. This search engine optimization (SEO) is needed for better Google ranking and helps others to find

If you have any questions or feature requests, please contact me by email. Just click my username (rpstitz) and then you'll see my email address. Clicking it should initiate creating a message.

Current rating: 8.5 (2 votes)


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