Current USGS lake info: level = 359.83 ft | outflow = 4550 cfs what is this?

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rpstitz on Monday, Sep 6, 2021 at 3:25am.
I forgot to cover the registration process, the link to get started is located on the login form. So click "Log In" near the top right corner of the screen and then you should see instructions and a register link. It's pretty simple, you'll have to use a real, working email address that hasn't been used yet, and you'll be required to click a verification link in an email that you'll receive as part of the registration process. Plus the captcha is really simple and isn't case sensitive so you don't have to use capital letters in the answer. The password is whatever you want it to be, you can have anything except spaces and it needs to be at least 6 characters long but not more than 255 long.

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