Current USGS lake info: level = 359.83 ft | outflow = 1700 cfs what is this?

USGS Lake Data

The US Geological Survey is a government agency that collects and stores data on thousands of water resource locations across the country. They collect much more data than just about water, including earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes and more. All of their data is public domain and is available in several formats for free. periodically gathers and stores the current USGS lake level, spillway outflow and river stage data for Wappapello Lake and displays it near the top of every page for our visitors to see. Keep in mind that the normal summer recreation level at Wappapello is about 360 feet above sea level. Boaters should know current conditions and be familiar with Wappapello Lake before attempting to navigate it. Know and watch for different types of buoys and always wear a life jacket.

For more information, please visit the USGS website.