Current USGS lake info: level = 359.83 ft | outflow = 5480 cfs what is this?

Introduction to Linux

 WORKSHOP  hosted by Stitz3D

Oct 02, 2021

Time: 07:00 am to 05:00 pm

Price: free

Oct 2 Workshop will be an introduction to Linux and live media. Participants will receive a popular version of Linux on live media (DVD). Anyone planning to attend must call (573) 579-9423 and let me know you're coming so we'll know how big the workshop will be. Anyone who wants the media without attending the workshop can get a free copy on request.

Seen 837 times.


rpstitz on Sunday, Sep 26, 2021 at 3:51pm. report
If you just want the DVD media that's fine let me know and I'll get them out asap. Plus if you don't have a DVD drive on your computer I can make a USB stick that'll boot it up live as well, there's a charge for the cost of the memory stick is all, let me know.

on Wednesday, Sep 29, 2021 at 10:46pm. report
The phone number is (573) 579-9423, sorry I forgot to add it to the event.